
Christmas Tradition Blog 1

Santa Claus is getting ready to come to town, as we’re only 38 days away from Christmas Day. Families are preparing for Christmas as the season is right around the corner. Gifts are being ordered, Christmas tree farms are starting to arise, and the spirit of Christmas is starting to fill the hearts of those who celebrate. With the holiday season approaching, holiday traditions are starting to peer around the corner.

            Everyone has favorite Christmas traditions, whether it’s decorating the Christmas tree, opening gifts, making gingerbread houses, and especially spending time with family. Christmas traditions are what keep the spirit of Christmas alive.

            While there are plenty of different traditions, we went around asking bystanders what their favorite Christmas traditions are.

Quote 1

            “My favorite part about Christmas isn’t about the presents, but It’s about the quality time I get to spend with my family. It’s tough being so far away from my family living out here in Iowa, but I cherish the opportunities I get to see my whole family during Christmas. It’s special, everybody flies in from all around the United States just to get together and have a week to spend together.” Student Vince Merfeld said.

            Family time is always important during the Holidays, as everyone comes together to open gifts, cook, and spend quality time together.

Others have expressed their love for family traditions, such as gingerbread house making, decorating the tree, or making specialty home-cooked meals.

Quote 2

“Every year, my family holds a gingerbread house-making contest with a twist. We drink lots of spiked eggnog and see who can build the best gingerbread house. Last year, I won even after having a few glasses of eggnog, it was a great time and I’m hoping to take the win again next month!” Said student, Ryan Brown.

Christmas time isn’t always about spending time with the family, but it’s a time to give back to the community. It’s a time to spread love to others who may not be as fortunate. With philanthropies and charities occurring throughout the season, others say they find enjoyment in spending their time assisting in charity work.

Organizations such as Toys-for-Tots, Salvation Army and Make-a-Wish all see a massive surge in help during the holiday season. These organizations revolve around giving back to the community and those who are less fortunate than others, to make sure that everyone feels appreciated.

Quote 3

“I truly enjoy giving back to the community during the Christmas season. I’ve been given enough; I see it as my time to give back to those who genuinely need it. It feels more rewarding to give than receive, especially when I know I’m contributing to an amazing cause. I was always raised this way and am always happy to give back to people in need. Every year I give my grandchildren $50 to donate to a charity of their choice. It’s a tradition we’ve always had, and it helps teach the idea of giving instead of receiving.” Grandmother, Gayle Galloway said.

Truly heartwarming indeed, giving back to the community is something inspiring this season. Especially when it’s a family tradition.

            Festivities and decorations are the most noticeable traditions when it comes to Christmas. Christmas lights, decorations, and trees are propped up in almost every neighborhood you drive through. While it may not be every house, most enjoy the Christmas spirit and put-up decorations every year. Some families even go above and beyond, by putting up inflatables, reindeer props, and even fake trees breaking through roofs.

            “My family goes all out every Christmas, honestly our house decorations are a favorite tradition of mine. My family and I spend countless hours putting up decorations on the outside of the house. My dad likes to compete with the neighbors, attempting to one-up him every year by getting new decorations, lights, and more.” Student, Chase Kozlowski said. “Personally, I think we might have the coolest decorations in the Midwest.” He added.

            Christmas lights always brighten up the mood in the neighborhood, even with the sun going down earlier. These Christmas traditions make the holiday a special time for all, no matter what the tradition may be.

            With the cold snowy weather moving in, the days getting shorter and the Christmas season approaching, it is encouraged that all readers stay warm and have happy holidays.

Hi, I’m Charlie Galloway

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