About Charlie Galloway

My name is Charlie Galloway and I’m a Triple Legacy third-year student at Drake University. I’m a 21-year-old from Chicago, Illinois. Albany Park to be exact. I have a passion for photography, cinematography, graphic design, creative design, writing, and all things hands-on. I graduated from Notre Dame College Prep in 2021 and began my time at Drake as an International Business Studies student. After some searching, I decided to switch my major to Advertising, and I picked up a Marketing minor as well. My family works in the advertising and marketing world, as well as e-commerce so my interest in my academics sparked from them. Since then, I’ve found thorough enjoyment with my academics, and have been having a great time at the University all while maintaining a solid 3.0 GPA.

In my time at Drake University, I’ve had a fantastic time getting involved in the community, FSL in particular. I’ve made so many friends, life long connections, and have grown to be the best version of myself possible. All of the positions I’ve held throughout my time have given me experience that I can put forth towards my education, classes, and my future career. The things I learn in class and out, are all things that I look forward to using in my future endeavors.

Drake University FSl

In my first year at Drake, I pledged to the Sigma Chi fraternity with the influence of my family. Since being a member, I’ve held many leadership positions and have done great things for my chapter. This includes being the recruitment chair for the Spring and second Fall semester, being the house manager, Public Relations chair, and Tribune. As Tribune, I have been able to reconnect our chapter to alumni, by writing some of the best newsletters the Chapter has ever seen – according to the feedback received from alumni. I’ve been able to use my skills learned from my communications classes at Drake, to further connect us to alumni and out of house members. This semester alone, I managed to raise enough money to complete house renovations that we’ve been looking to do since I was a freshman. Furthermore, this year, I was elected as the Vice President of Recruitment for the Inter-Fraternity Council, which oversees all 7 fraternities on Drake’s campus. I’m responsible for putting together rush for the University, which has been an amazing experience for me. This year, we have over 80 potential new members, which is higher than it has been in the last two to three years. My overall experience in these positions as well as my classes have elevated my experience to the next level. Thanks for reading about Charlie Galloway.